Annotation Parameters

Argument list, definitions and default values for hundo annotate:

Argument Type or Choice Description Default
--prefilter-file-size INTEGER Any FASTQ file size smaller than this in bytes is omitted from being processed. 100000
--jobs INTEGER Use at most this many cores in parallel. The total running tasks at any given time will be jobs divided by threads. auto
--out-dir TEXT Results output directory. current directory
--no-conda   Do not use conda environments. Requires that all dependencies are installed and executable. FALSE
--dryrun   Do not execute anything, just show the commands that will be executed by Snakemake. FALSE
--author TEXT Will show in footer of summary HTML document. uname
--aligner [blast|vsearch] local aligner; blast is more sensitive while vsearch is much faster blast
--threads INTEGER When a step is multi-threaded, use this many threads. This is all or a subset of --jobs. 8
--database-dir TEXT Directory containing reference data or new directory into which to download reference data. ‘references’
--filter-adapters TEXT File path to adapters FASTA to use for trimming read ends. None
--filter-contaminants TEXT File path to FASTA to use for filtering reads. None
--allowable-kmer-mismatches INTEGER Kmer mismatches allowed during adapter trim process. 1
--reference-kmer-match-length INTEGER Length of kmer to search against contaminant sequences. 27
--reduced-kmer-min INTEGER Look for shorter kmers at read tips down to this length; 0 disables. 8
--minimum-passing-read-length INTEGER Passing single-end read length prior to merging. 100
--minimum-base-quality INTEGER Regions with average quality below this will be trimmed. 10
--minimum-merge-length INTEGER Minimum allowable read length after merging. 150
--allow-merge-stagger   Allow merging of staggered reads by VSEARCH. FALSE
--max-diffs INTEGER Maximum number of different bases allowable in overlap. 5
--min-overlap INTEGER When merging, the minimum length of overlap between reads. 16
--maximum-expected-error FLOAT After merging, the allowable limit of erroneous bases. 1
--reference-chimera-filter TEXT Define a file path or set to true to use BLAST reference database. TRUE
--minimum-sequence-abundance INTEGER When clustering, do not create any clusters with fewer than this many representative sequences. 2
--percent-of-allowable-difference FLOAT Maximum difference between an OTU member sequence and the representative sequence of that OTU. 3
--reference-database [silva|greengenes|unite] Two 16S databases are supported, SILVA and GreenGenes, along with Unite for ITS. References will be downloaded as needed during the execution of the workflow to the location set using --database-dir. ‘silva’
--blast-minimum-bitscore INTEGER Filter out alignments below this bitscore threshold and do not use them in the LCA calculation. 100
--blast-top-fraction FLOAT When calculating LCA, only use this fraction of HSPs from the best scoring alignment. 0.95
--read-identity-requirement FLOAT When mapping reads back to OTU seed sequences for quantification, require this fraction of sequence identity between sequence and reference. 0.97
--min-pid FLOAT Minimum percent ID required from VSEARCH hits in order to be retained for LCA calculation 0.85