
Running samples through annotation requires that input FASTQs be paired-end, named in a semi-conventional style starting sample ID, contain “_R1” (or “_r1”) and “_R2” (or “_r2”) index identifiers, and have an extension “.fastq” or “.fq”. The files may be gzipped and end with “.gz”. By default, both R1 and R2 need to be larger than 10K in size, which corresponds to around 100 reads in a compressed fastq file. This cutoff is arbitrary and can be set using --prefilter-file-size.

Using the example data of the mothur SOP located in our tests directory, we can annotate across SILVA using:

cd example
hundo annotate \
    --filter-adapters qc_references/adapters.fa.gz \
    --filter-contaminants qc_references/phix174.fa.gz \
    --out-dir mothur_sop_silva \
    --database-dir annotation_references \
    --reference-database silva \

The data directory can optionally be a pattern containing a wildcard, such as:

hundo annotate \
    --filter-adapters qc_references/adapters.fa.gz \
    --filter-contaminants qc_references/phix174.fa.gz \
    --out-dir mothur_sop_silva \
    --database-dir annotation_references \
    --reference-database silva \

The string must be contained between single quotes so it isn’t expanded into a space delimited list.

Or when data is spread across multiple directories, you can use a combination of paths and patterns in a comma separated list, like:

hundo annotate \
    --filter-adapters qc_references/adapters.fa.gz \
    --filter-contaminants qc_references/phix174.fa.gz \
    --out-dir mothur_sop_silva \
    --database-dir annotation_references \
    --reference-database silva \

Or if you have a case where you have lots of data directories, you can specify --input-dir multiple times:

hundo annotate \
    --filter-adapters qc_references/adapters.fa.gz \
    --filter-contaminants qc_references/phix174.fa.gz \
    --out-dir mothur_sop_silva \
    --database-dir annotation_references \
    --reference-database silva \
    --input-dir collection2/rawdata \
    --input-dir collection3/rawdata \

Dependencies are installed by default in the results directory defined on the command line as --out-dir. If you want to re-use dependencies across many analyses and not have to re-install each time you update the output directory, use Snakemake’s --conda-prefix:

hundo annotate \
    --out-dir mothur_sop_silva \
    --database-dir annotation_references \
    --reference-database silva \
    mothur_sop_data \
    --conda-prefix /Users/brow015/devel/hundo/example/conda


In instances where compute nodes do not have access to the internet, download the reference databases and conda packages in advance.

To download the references for SILVA, run:

hundo download --database-dir annotation_references \
    --jobs 5 --reference-database silva

To download the conda environment:

hundo annotate \
    --out-dir mothur_sop_silva \
    --database-dir annotation_references \
    --reference-database silva \
    mothur_sop_data \
    --conda-prefix /Users/brow015/devel/hundo/example/conda \